Welcome to the random thoughts of my day. I'm trying to lose a few pounds and to win a weight loss challenge with some friends from work. I'm also trying to get back on track with a healthy lifestyle and a healthy work/life balance.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Well... I'm not going to talk about yesterday. I didn't feel like I did a good job. a lot of snacking. but today is a new day.
I had 2 cereal bars for breakfast. One just isn't enough. Plus my usual coffee. For lunch I had a SBUX turkey and swiss sandwich. In the evening I had one of our banana mango squeeze packs on the drive home. Tonight I had salmon, broccoli and a sweet potato. I ate like an entire head of broccoli!! I was so hungry. A whole head of broccoli will make me full of toxic fumes. I know.... too much information. I'm bad at doing that.
So the food wasn't too bad but the good thing is the walking. I got home at 4:30 and even though I still had a couple of hours of work to do, I decided to take the dogs for a long walk since the weather was actually nice. I have several different dog walks that I do and I have mapped them out so I know how long they are. I took the dogs on the 2 mile walk. I got home and worked for a couple of hours and then at 8pm I closed the laptop. I put the sweet potato in the oven and pulled out the treadmill. I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes. Put up the treadmill and ate dinner. I felt really good that I did a total of 3.5 miles today. And I didn't have my glass of wine! I decided it was so late that I would just hold off until the weekend.
So, a few bright spots for the day. Tomorrow will be a long day of driving in the foothills.


Staci said...

You had a great day! You'll have to tell me how you cook your salmon. I rarely have fish because I don't really know how to cook it.

BaristaGirl said...

I am so impressed! I haven't done the walking thing yet but you have inspired me! Go Beth.