Sorry I didn't post while on vacation. I forgot to take my password and then decided it could just wait. It was a wonderful vacation. My friend Rob and I rented a delightful little cottage in downtown Napa. Super cute and perfect for 2 people. We had a great week of wine tasting, eating and just goofing off. The only downside is that there was a lot of work talk. It's hard to stay off of your e-mail with these darn phones! I also guess that is one of the bad things about vacationing with someone you work with.
Since this blog is suppose to be about my great eating habits, let me tell you what happened. They all went out the window! We had a ton of cheese, wine and chocolate. I wish I could say it wasn't true but it is. I have never had so much wine, good wine, in my life. At the end of the week we had 14 bottles to throw in the garbage and that doesn't count the wine in restaurants and wine tastings. Holy cow! I might need an intervention. I think I will not drink for a very long time. There are just so many great wineries in Napa that you just get wrapped up in it and next thing you know, you have bought a few bottles. Then a few bottles turn into a case, etc, etc. I came home with 10 bottles of really good wine. That should last me all year. Of course when you drink, you must eat cheese. We spent a fortune on cheese. And not a small fortune. Then one night I made a chocolate pudding cake and then another night I made a chocolate tart. Then I found a cupcake shop. Then I found another cupcake shop. You can see where this is headed.
I came home happy and fat! I'm not lying when I tell you that I stepped on the scale this morning and it was 5 lbs heavier. I'm not surprised. But I've already started to make a change. This evening I walked the dogs 2 miles. I felt like napping but I knew I had to. THis week I am going back to yoga and turning on the Wii fit. I will drop these 5 lbs and 10 more on top of it.
I hope everyone else is doing well. It's been kinda quiet out there!