Welcome to the random thoughts of my day. I'm trying to lose a few pounds and to win a weight loss challenge with some friends from work. I'm also trying to get back on track with a healthy lifestyle and a healthy work/life balance.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

New day

Yesterday was a really good food day. I wouldn't say that I did much dieting but I didn't eat bad either. I was really aware of everything I put in my mouth and didn't snack like usual. I went to the mall last night to pick up a couple of things and I made a point of taking a 100 calorie breakfast bar with me. I know what usually happens is I go and get hungry. Next thing I know I'm eating some bad mall food and feeling terrible. This time I ate the breakfast bar and then came home and had a half a baked sweet potato, peas and some salad. Plus, I walked the dogs 2 miles. The weather was so fabulous that it was a great walk.
I think today,I'll add a mile to that walk. They haven't gone 3 miles in a very long time! Their little legs will be tired which is a good thing. They sleep well when they are tired. Of course the truth is that they sleep all the time even if they didn't walk. But I sleep better.
Today's activities include a trip to the grocery store. I need some fresh veggies because the refrigerator is looking a little empty.
One week till vacation! Can't wait.
oh... for those of you keeping track.... I bought a fabulous skirt, pair of pants and 3 very cute shirts at the mall. Plus some new lipstick. I stayed far away from the shoe department because I am trying to break my shoe addiction. Once I realized I had passed the 50 pairs mark, I realized it need to stop.

1 comment:

BaristaGirl said...

We should call you Imelda! Great job on the walking. Keep it up and you may earn yourself the freedom to buy a new pair of walking shoes!