Welcome to the random thoughts of my day. I'm trying to lose a few pounds and to win a weight loss challenge with some friends from work. I'm also trying to get back on track with a healthy lifestyle and a healthy work/life balance.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Gratitude Friday

It's Gratitude Friday. It's been such a long week that I wasn't sure what I was grateful for today. But, the minute I walked in the front door I had my answer. There waiting for me were my boys. Those 2 furry four legged boys are waiting for me everyday with a smile on their face. When I arrive they dance around and bark and jump and act like it is Christmas. They are just so happy to see me. I always walk in and act surprised to see them. It is our usual routine. Me-- "Well what a surprise! Who knew there would be dogs waiting to see me!" Them- bark, bark, bark. It never gets old. I love that they are beyond happy. I love that they wake up happy. I love that when I pull out their leashes, they go insane. I love that when I open the dog food, they dance around. I love that they snuggle up next to me and are happy just to be in my presence.
I think we could all take a lesson from our dogs :~)


BaristaGirl said...

My dog sleeps and eats all day and has gone mostly blind but she still asks for a treat when I get home! What kind of lesson is that? :)

BaristaGirl said...
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